
Yogis: Dumber Than the Average People

Yogis: Dumber Than the Average People

I’m sure I don’t have to explain what Yoga is.  If I do, I’ll just refer to it as an amazing exercise that has been known to do wonders for the body.  Much like meditation, it’s also known as a wonderful mental exercise that allows people to enter deep states of concentration. What’s the problem […]

Jesse Ventura: Conman of the Ages

Jesse Ventura: Conman of the Ages

The inside caption is something I saw this morning on Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory Facebook page.  Needless to say, I could resist to make it into an image, and I’m glad to see it’s been shared a ton.  Actually, it made its way back around to me within an hour.  That’s pretty impressive. The problem […]

Is it Time to Stop Bitching About Pluto?

Is it Time to Stop Bitching About Pluto?

In short, yes. In 2012, I still see posts on Facebook disputing the decision of the IAU, declaring that Pluto would be demoted to dwarf planet status.  I just wonder, if we were to suddenly find out tomorrow that hydrogen was actually never an individual element in and of itself, but has been a helium […]

Fun with Fundies!  Yes, it’s Back Just for This Guy!

Fun with Fundies! Yes, it’s Back Just for This Guy!

People, this is not parody.  This guy is serious. So much wrong, where do you even start with this moron?  I’m not even going to try, because if you managed to turn on a computer, you’re already far more scientifically literate than this guy.    

1952 by 2022?

1952 by 2022?

I happened across this online this morning just after reading about the possible return of a full-blown polio epidemic by the year 2022 – possibly even sooner.  Recently, in areas of our own medically advanced, first-world country, four cases of polio have been reported this year.  That doesn’t sound like much, but it’s four up […]

Power Bracelets

Oh, so many absurdities.  What is it about our civilization that seems to force at least a marginal percentage of the population into complete ignorance of empirical value?  What is it that has us put any level of trust into unsubstantiated claims – admittedly unsubstantiated claims?  There’s a reason the psychic hotline commercials flash the […]

That’s Allstate’s Stand. Are you a Virgo?

There are plenty of reasons to encourage critical thinking among people.  There are people who refuse to have their children vaccinated because they have a personal hypothesis – without evidence of any kind – that vaccines cause autism or lower Intelligence Quotients among children.  There are grown parents who don’t seek medical attention for their […]

Time to Raise a Stink

Don’t be fooled by the title of this blog.  I’m in no way referring to an excess expulsion of methane gas, nor am I referring to a proposed vacation to Washington D.C.  I’m going to do what it seems like everyone else is doing: Offer my illegitimate commentary on the Rebecca Watson matter.  I refer […]